West Newton Ward

West Newton Ward


The works involved centre around the refurbishment of West Newton Ward, together with installation of an air handling unit and glass reinforced plastic enclosure, to improve air quality for patients and staff. The improvements are intended to remove impurities and germs from the air. The NHS Trusts states: “The purity and condition of the air could have detrimental effects to the patients if it has not been handled and filtered correctly” this improvement will help the lives of unwell patients enabling them to get pure clean air as they aim to get better.

The main risks associated with this project and with many hospital projects is working within a live environment. Careful planning and organisation was required prior to the commencement of the project and prior to any activities taking place. We held regular meetings with the hospitals Project Manager Colin Riches to determine the correct protocols for the works, and in particular any high risk activities.

Due to the nature of the original construction of the hospital and its age, there was a high risk that we would encounter asbestos materials. We aimed to mitigate these risks by reviewing the hospitals asbestos risk register, and liaise with the duty holder to where any asbestos contained materials were on this project and the condition they were in. If any surveys or any asbestos contained materials were likely to be disturbed during the course of the project, we would employ a licensed asbestos contractor to carry out these works.

Although the refurbishment of West Newton Ward was part of the main hospital, the location specifically allowed us to access the ward externally. This enabled us to set up our Site Compound and Boundary Fencing directly outside the ward, which was less intrusive for the hospital during the course of the project.


King’s Lynn NHS Foundation Trust

Contract Dates

January to June 2015

Employers Agent


Contract Value

£1.1 million

Architect & Structural Engineer

Paul Robinson Partnership (UK) LLP

The refurbishment of West Newton Ward required new Air Handling Units, and a modular plant room, of which both activities required installation/delivery via a crane. After meetings with the hospital, and the production and review of our method statements and risk assessments for this activity, it was agreed that the crane works would be carried out in either the evening or the weekend as both vehicular and pedestrian traffic was less frequent in this area of the hospital at these times.

Other risks during the project were mitigated as listed below:

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